Painter F. A. Alsbach
“Eventually the people decide what is truly Art with a capital A.”
Links My wife Lynda’s new web site, she is a graphic designer, and has a remarkable ability to make happy artwork. Which amazes and mystifies a brooding loner like myself… “I’ve been painting glass and furniture, writing and illustrating children’s stories, and doing other artsy things.” JD, or David for those of us from his home town, is the real thing. He is an artist for the right reasons, he has to make things. His parents were gifted musicians, and he once sang opera! King is a big man, 6’4 or so, and has worked hard at blue collar jobs for most of his life. No wonder I like him! There is no b.s. in David. Good or bad,he faces it, wrestles with it, and eventually he beats it down. He is no quitter. He doesn’t whine. David has lived a life, suffered, and caused some suffering, been humiliated, and come back with deep relentless determination. David is his own man. A notably humble mans’ man, and a painters’ painter. Rare in the arts, very rare. I admire him and his work. At the request of Charles Thomson, cofounder of the Stuckists, I’m the incidental founder of the Missouri Valley Stuckists. Which is sorta fun. The Stuckists believe in painting, figurative painting with content, and a pinch of fun. I am particularly drawn to the fun part as a person, the figurative & content part as an artist. Owned & operated by Marty Smith the computer whiz webmaster of Saline County Missouri, he’s not a whiz KID because he is so much older than I!!! Retired MSGT USAF comunications geek, and best friend, hunting buddy, handy helper, all around great guy. Frank has been my friend for over thirty years. His work has always been very different from mine. But niether of us cared about the difference. As young artists He followed Dali when I decided to follow Hopper. We used to have great arguments, debates, discussions, through the wall of our dorm rooms. Frank has done many illustrations for Barnes & Noble & others and has worked for CBS and now for the NY affiliate of NBC as an artist since 1986. We took different roads to Rome but I have always been proud to call him friend.
www.marcbohne.comMarc was a Senior when I was a freshman in 1976 at Columbia College. He was the star. Well except for Starr Varner, the art building beauty. The most talented, and intelligent of the hundreds of art students at the school, I hated him 😉 My friends and I secretly studied, and emulated everything he did back then. I still think his work is remarkably mysterious, relevant in a unique way. He has had an interesting life, as has his brother Ted. A Special Forces Vet w/ 2 tours in Nam, listening to Ted play Rachmaninoff’s Requim was one of the incredible , magic events of my life. This big burly, hardened by combat, intense man, older than the rest of us by quite a bit, playing a demanding piece perfectly, beyond perfectly, as if Rachmaninoff himself had walked in and sat down to play filled with pain. They are remarkable people. In some ways this is the current art movement I feel the greatest afinity for, at least they seem like the kind of artists I would enjoy hanging around. Though the groups talent is clearly uneven at least they do actually paint. This websites’ host. I teach art at Missouri Valley College. Painting, drawing, a little art history. It’s an amazing place. The faculty and students are helpful, friendly, upbeat, even happy most of the time. A common place thing you might at first think, yet in my experience this atmosphere is much more rare than all of the high priced ivy on the eastern seaboard. Christians in the Visual Arts Excellent anatomy practice can be found here. CAA College Art Association My Favorite Philosopher working today. My favorite General History source and a great guy.
Now, it’s Banana’s senior year in high school, Macaroni is a 6th grader, and I’m ready to paint full time. It’s my favorite thing to do.